Embracing An Uncertain Future with Hope


After fifteen months of COVID, as well as winter storms and wildfires, there has been a barrage of discouragement, disillusionment, questions with no answers, election irregularities, loss of confidence, loss of personal freedoms, fraud, deception, injury, betrayal, hopelessness, and isolation, not to mention economic instability and global insecurities. Today, People are desperately wanting a fresh encounter with the Living God; they want to believe again?

In Kicking The Stars, Wendell Hutchins delivers a corpus of practical theology united in the absolutes of Truth. He apologetically approaches the Word as a Believer’s garment, making the Word flesh again. He shows us how each of our stories are a part of God’s grand narrative, and when we put on the Word we unite in the two-edged Sword of Truth, the offense of a conqueror and the defense of an apologetically sound testimony, God’s living examples of amazing grace.

As we live daily in Jesus and abide in His Word, the people we do life with ‘see’ that the eternal, inerrant, infallible Word of God is alive! With God’s Word in us, we are filled with vision, we are empowered for victory, we live in bold faith, and we dance in joy…Kicking The Stars!

If you are ready to experience a renewal of faith and be challenged to believe God for big things, Kicking The Stars is the book for you!

Be on the lookout…. Release Date to be announced soon!

In the meantime, will you help us spread the word? #kickingthestars

Media Team

Haynes & Douglas Publishing Co.

1 Comment. Leave new

  • bruceseverson
    June 23, 2021 9:30 pm

    Can’t wait! Is this available for preorders?

    On Wed, Jun 23, 2021, 6:04 PM Wendell Hutchins II wrote:

    > Wendell Hutchins II posted: ” Embracing An Uncertain Future with Hope THE > WAIT IS ALMOST OVER… After fifteen months of COVID, as well as winter > storms and wildfires, there has been a barrage of discouragement, > disillusionment, questions with no answers, election irregula” >


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