There have been a vast array of assorted, gaudy gadgets created for comparison – they are all designed with you in mind, to cause you to self-examine. They’re designed to focus your attention on what’s wrong, what’s lacking, what’s missing; to point out all your shortcomings, to highlight your faults and to create for you an overwhelming “need.” 

Each measure, each evaluation, each examination points out this “need” in your life – your “need” to measure up.

Each of these manufactured “needs” is designed with one purpose in mind, to cause you to desire something other than your specific “design.” As a result, Paris is allowed to dictate to you the colors and tones of perfection that you should vigorously pursue. Hollywood (or in some cases ministerial society) spins a ridiculous image for status that is designed to leverage pressure on you and your family. New York creates fashions that are designed for your chase to be in vogue. You see, there seems to always be another lithe image of someone else’s making that is calling for your devoted pursuit, whether it be in the world of entertainment or whether it be in the world of leadership. There is always another “image” requiring from you, your strength. Any image that is not God-made becomes an idol, and where idols are allowed, exhaustion will rule. Inevitably, exhaustion sets in where “pressure-to-perform” reigns.

Weariness …of body, soul, and mind are absolutely corrosive to the spirit of a person.

Many a good, godly soldier did not perish in the battle because the enemies’ blade found it’s mark; they fell because the weariness of their work made them vulnerable to the enemies raid. When exhaustion’s toll sets in, if not dealt with, it will be fatal. Far tooAdobeStock_131004966.jpeg often, instead of seeking permission to take leave and find rest, the good soldier, ever mindful of his faithful discharge of duty, slogged on into a fight his soul could not muster the strength to fight.

History bears record, that too many of God’s generals have died prematurely because they thought it more honorable to die early in the field than to die rested in the rear. Consequently, it has taught us all who followed, to believe, the battle truly is dependent upon us, upon our personal performance. Therefore, don’t do less, do more.

I am not suggesting that it is now permissible to entertain complacency, nor am I submitting to you for your consideration the idea that there is a license to forfeit faithfulness. No, I’m not suggesting that a neglect of duty is acceptable in the discharge of ministry.  But, I am expressing to you that it is absolutely fine to address your exhaustion. In fact, it’s required by God of you to address your weariness and make time to take leave from it.

Jesus promised you peace for your journey. He promised you rest for your life. John 14:27 tell us that Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” Jesus said, “I am leaving with you a gift – peace of mind and heart.”  

Friend, you may be in skirmishes. You will certainly face challenges and suffer assaults. You will be attacked. But, don’t ever get confused in the fog of war, the battle is over. Your victory is already secured. Your present conflict has already been calculated into your future and declared a victory.  How?  The Captain of our Salvation is our Conqueror – our Captain of the Lord of Hosts, God-of-the-Angel-Armies. There is no enemy, no circumstance, no issue, no dilemma, no adversity, no setback…. there is nothing that can defeat you. You are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus our Lord.

So, take heart, take rest, refuel…get ready because your future is brighter than your present adversity, your next is much more powerful than your what was. You’re the hands and feet of the Almighty Conqueror, the King of Love and the Prince of Grace. That’s why the Hebrew writer declared, “There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. For he that has entered into his rest, he also has ceased from his own works, as God did from His.”

From a recovering workaholic, take my word…get some rest.  To do so is not to think that a mere escape to the mountains or a sun-clad beach will do it. No, escape into the perfected plans of God for you. Learn to lean into the five-fold ministry. Employ the industry of God’s grace and rest in your spirit, your life, your home, and your ministry. If you will, you can like Paul say, “Having this confidence, I know that I shall abide and continue with you all for your furtherance and joy of faith” Phil 1:25.  When you do so, you’ll learn to enjoy the practice of a new level of TRUST while being freed from the “I have to’s” of performance! You’ll find a newfound freedom from the guilt that is produced on the endless marathon of unreasonable expectations.

Leader, if you’re weary and need encouragement, or if you need help building your ministry teams so that you can more effectively achieve God’s mission in your life, call me.

You can find “rest” from your labor before you die.

Your Co-Laborer,

Wendell Hutchins II

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Tilita Sandoval
    May 9, 2017 2:36 pm

    Thank you so much, needed to read this today. Perfect timing, all in Gods’ hands.


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