The grand indictment against Christians is that our Judeo-Christian morality is problematic in today’s culture. As an American Christian who takes the Bible literally, we are accused of violating the “rights” of others simply because we trust in God’s Word.
People of the Book believe the Word when it declared, “faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” When we hear God’s Word, our spirits are quickened and our souls are made alive by God, our Creator.
Love is kindled by the Words of God. Divine Majesty is revealed in the Word of God. Inspiring Truth is revealed in the Word of God by the infallible pen of revelation.
Therefore, the Book teaches…and what the Book teaches matters. Both its exhortation as well as its correction are needed in each of our lives. The Books doctrine creates for us holy environs of worship, its letters give us directives we need to live overcoming, God-pleasing lives. The Books laws, statutes, precepts, and acts all grant us the authority necessary to embolden us on our holy assignment and missionary call. The Book commands us. The Book commissions us. The Book reveals to us our relationship to creation and the Creator… for in the Book we discover that in Him “we live and move and have our being.”
The Book encourages us, instructs us, equips us, qualifies us, authorizes us, commissions us, covenants with us, provides for us, feeds us, water’s us, nourishes us, lifts us, resurrects us, covers us, hides us, keeps us, clefts us, burdens us, bears us, and reveals us. The Word teaches us that “evil men and imposters will proceed from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived” and counsels us to make sure that we understand it’s better to be persecuted for godliness than to have fun times while being duped by the devil.
So no, Christians do not believe we are arbiters enthroned in judgment over others, nor do we believe that we have been afforded the right to treat others inferior. We are all brothers and sisters, joined together through the family of man. And yet, because we know the Book, we understand that “all men are born in sin, and shaped in iniquity.”
Because we are disciples of Jesus and students of His Book, we love everyone and because we love, we warn with tears every man who is living in his first estate, sin. God in His love promises us that if we will repent, calling on the Name of the Lord, we can be born again. (See John 3:3-5)
So, while we dare not condone what it took Jesus in His death to satisfy…the penalty of sin, we offer with bold confidence and gracious praise the Hope of all mankind, Jesus! Because He lives…we can too!
― Wendell Hutchins II